Fine chemicals

Yanshan branch,BRICI has comparative advantage in alpha olefins preparation, comprehensiveutilization of C4 resources and pyrolysis gasoline hydrogenation. Preparationtechnology and catalysts products for basic organic raw materials can beprovided.

Complete technology

Technology ofEthylene trimerization to 1-Hexene

SinopecBeijing Yanshan Company built 50 kt/a commercial unit in 2007. It filledChina's gap of 1-hexene production and occupied the domestic market..

Technology MTBE  cracking to isobutene

Technology of MTBE cracking toisobutene has been licenced to many users. This technology isenvironment-friendly and possesses merits like: high product purity andselectivity, its product can be directly used to produce butyl rubber.

Technology ofethylene oligomerization to alpha olefins

This techonolgy of ethyleneoligomerziation to alpha olefins has completed the pilot test, and a 50kt/aprocess package has been completed too.

Products of catalysts

Catalysts forisomerization of n-butene to isobutene

Industrial application has beenachieved, which can significantly improve the C4 utilization value of ethyleneand oil refining unit.

  • Catalysts for hydrogenationof pyrolysis gasoline

YN,BY series hydrogenation catalysts adapt to a wide range of raw materials,widely used in a number of large petrochemical enterprises of cracking gasolinehydrogenation, C4 full hydrogenation, C9 hydrogenation and other industries.

Synthetic Rubber Areas:

In recent years, Yanshan branch of BRICIoffers the best solution for rubber production enterprises to solve productionproblems, promote technology upgrading and product structure adjustment. Wespecialize in lithium polymer, IIR/BIIR, rare earth IR, rare earth BR, EPR andother related technology with rich experience in polymer characterization andtechnology services.  Our team of expertsprovides customers customized systemic solution with innovative products and theoptimal process in the field of process design, grade slate, commercial plantand product upgrading.

Complete sets of technology and products

Commercialized technology


SBS technology has been licensed to ENI inItaly, TSRC Corp., Baling Petrochemical and Yanshan Petrochemical. The totalcapacity has reached 500 kt. It is the first time to export complete set ofpetrochemical technology in our country. The product is mainly used in asphaltmodification, plastic modification, footwear and adhesives.

Batch process SSBR technology

Batch process SSBRtechnology has been industrialized in Italy ENI and Yanshan petrochemical.There are four generic grades  and othereight grades developed in collaboration with Michelin.

Rare earth IR technology

Rare earth IR technology hasbeen commercialized in Yanshan Petrochemical company. The microstructure of theproducts is the best level in the world.

BIIR technology

The commercial plant hasbeen built in Yanshan Petrochemical company using BIIR technology and theproducts have been put into production October 2010, mainly used in tire tube.

Carboxylic styrene-butadiene latexTechnology

5000 tpy carboxylicbutadiene-styrene latex plant was built in Yanshan Petrochemical Company carpetfactory.

LCBR Technology

LCBR technology has beenindustrialized in Yanshan Petrochemical company. The products are mainly usedin ABS production.

Block styrene butadiene rubber LBS

It has been industrializedin Yanshan Petrochemical company. The products are mainly used in ABSproduction.

Butyl lithium preparation technology

It has been realizedcommercial applications in Baling Petrochemical and Yanshan Petrochemical, andthe transfer of Jinzhou and Xinjiang petrochemical. The total capacity hasreached 300 tons.

 Heat pump technology

It has been appliedsuccessfully in four sets of plant of Baling Petrochemical and YanshanPetrochemical. commercial applications in In Yanshan Petrochemical Company, atotal of 4 Gaoqiao Petrochemical device application. The utility model ismainly used for recycling of waste heat in solution polymerization in order toenergy-saving and cost-reducing.

Complete setsof technology – for permission


100 tons ofindustrial trial production and PDP (process design package) development havebeen completed. The products can be used for hot melt adhesives and asphaltmodification.

Transparent high impact styrene-butadieneresin

Block copolymeris formed by polymerization of styrene and 25% butadiene. The industrial trialproduction and PDP (process design package) development have been completed.The product application evaluation in nearly ten factories proved it maycompletely substitute the import product. 

Integrated rubber SIBR

SIBR is thefourth generation of SSBR mainly used as high performance green tire tread.Iindustrial trial production (two grades: SIBR2535 and SIBR2505) and PDP(process design package) development have been completed. The tire manufacturein qdystyre shows rolling resistance performance reach D level tire standard ofthe EU.

Continuous process polymerizationtechnology of SSBR

Researches insmall scale pilot plant and pilot plant show a high production efficiency andstable quality. The PDP of 60,000 tpy plant has been reviewed by the Sinopec.


Customizeddevelopment of synthetic rubber and elastomer

The synthetic rubber and elastomer productscan be developed according to the product usage or customer requirements.

SSBR grades

SBS thermoplastic elastomer grades

LCBR grades

Butadiene Styrene resin grades

NIBR grades

BIIR brands

IIR grades

EPR grades

