Styrene-butadiene Copolymer Hydrogenation Technology

SEBS(Hydrogenation of SBS) keeps thermoplastic and high elasticity of SBS, hasexcellent weatherability, heat resistance, especially outstanding oxidationresistance, ozone resistance and ultraviolet radiation resistance. Theapplication scope extends continuously and the value is far higher than that ofSBS. The technology developed by Yanshan branch of BRICI use homogeneous nickelcatalyst for hydrogenation of SBS. The continuous process pilot plant was builtwith new three reactors and automatic control. The the long period operationwas realized with precise hydrogenation process conditions and hydrogenationcatalyst removal process conditions. The activity of catalyst and hydrogenationefficiency reached the international advanced level which the residual nickelcontent of polymer is less than10ppm. The design of 20 kt plant has completed

Softanti-aging SEBS

Softanti-aging SEBS SEBS-Y650 has linear structure with molecular weight of 65thousand and styrene content of 30%. Due to the medium molecular weight ofSEBS-Y650, it has a large processing flexibility and good transparency. It issuitable for plastic modification and manufacture of glass sealant, vibrationresistant material and soft elastomer with Shore A hardness of 20 ~ 40. At thesame time, SEBS-Y650 can be mixed with SIS according to requirements of the hotmelt adhesive to improve the balance of mechanical and processing performance.

 High strength anti-aging SEBS

Highstrength and anti-aging SEBS-Y651 has linear structure with the highestmolecular weight of 200 thousand in linear SEBS, oil-extended or not. Themechanical property of SEBS-Y651 is excellent even highly filled. It is mainlyused as the basic material of the blending elastomer, and also for thereinforcement of other elastomers and the toughening modification of plastics.

 SEBSfor anti-aging adhesive

SEBS-Y652is a low molecular weight linear SEBS with good fluidity and low meltviscosity, used in the fields of hot melt (pressure sensitive) adhesive andplastic modification. The hot melt adhesive made by SEBS-Y652 has thecharacteristics of good fluidity, creep resistance, aging resistance and highcohesive strength, used for the production of adhesive substance of high-graderubber back carpet and non-slip mats, also for the production of hot meltadhesive for wood, paper, fabric, leather, metal and plastic.

 Hydrogenatedrandom styrene-butadiene copolymer for lubricating oil viscosity index improver

The random copolymer of styrene and butadiene is arandom copolymer of n-butyl lithium as the initiator, the mixture ofcyclohexane and hexane as the solvent, polar compound as the structuralregulator and styrene and butadiene as monomers. Hydrogenated styrene-butadienerandom copolymer is the hydrogenated product of styrene butadiene randomcopolymer, which is made of nickel organic acid compound and alkyl aluminum ashydrogenation catalyst. Hydrogenated butadiene-styrene copolymer (HSD) is suitableas viscosity index improvers(VI)for high grade long span oil with higher reqirments in shear stability becauseof its good shear stability, thermal oxidation stability, fluidity at lowtemperature and good thickening ability. HSD is the VI with best comprehensiveperformance, particularly suitable for using in high wax base oil because thesmall amount can achieve good results.
