Highimpact styrene-butadiene transparency resin belongs to styrene and butadienecopolymer in which the styrene content is about 75%. With excellent opticalperformance and good mechanical properties, it is a kind of environmentallyfriendly materials mainly used in packaging materials, medical and healthsupplies, children's toys, daily necessities, food packaging containers,electrical appliances etc..
A novel technology for the synthesis and direct drying of styrene-butadieneresin was developed by Yanshan branch of BRICI, and the industrialindustrialized amplification test (in Beijing branch of Sinopec) results werevery good.
20 kt direct drying industrial technology
Directdrying technology is a new technology to remove polymer solvent, which has manyadvantages, such as low energy consumption, low pollution and low cost. It ismainly used for solvent removal of styrene-butadiene resin, SBS4452 and otherproducts. The PDP of 20 kt capacity fill the gaps in the domestic, reduce theequipment cost greatly, and the costs of installation, commissioning andmaintenance. The technology will promote technology development, break theforeign monopoly, narrow the gap between foreign advanced technology gradually,replace imported, accelerate the process of China's national industry.
High impact styrene-butadiene transparent resin industrial technology
Styrene-butadiene resinCK2000 is a star structure of polymer, with the 25% butadiene content, lessthan 1% styrene random structure, melt index of 7-8 g/10min. The productbelongs to the medium impact product, commonly used as a base material alonefor making shell of appliances. Compared with the PS, the toughness of CK2000is better, not easy to fracture, no spike after fragmentation, safe anddurable.
CK2000 product is a mixtureof star and linear structure with wide distribution, good processability. Smallaccount of butadiene in CK2000 greatly enhances the impact resistance whiletransparency is still very high.
High impactstyrene-butadiene transparent resin
Styrene-butadiene resinYH06 is a kind of linear structure polymer with melt index of 10 to 15 g / 10min, Shore D below 65, excellent toughness, belongs to super high impactproducts, mainly used in toughening modification of polystyrene and other hardmaterials, and also can be used alone as the base material.
YH06 production technology by steppolymerization process, the polymer molecular chain ends for polystyrenesegments, the middle is the gradient of styrene type random transition section.The introduction of styrene random transition section, increase the content ofthe rubber phase, improve the shock resistance of the products.
Through the step by steppolymerization process, the polystyrene segment is made at both ends ofmolecular chain of YH06, the styrene-butadiene random transition is in themiddle of the chain. The styrene-butadiene transition section increase thecontent of rubber phase, greatly enhance the impact-resistance of the product.
High strength transparent impact styrene-butadiene resin
Thestyrene-butadiene resin YH07 does not contain random styrene structure inmolecular chain with melt index of 7-8 g/10min, Shore D below 66 which belongsto the high impact products. With special sequence distribution YH07 hasexcellent performance, can be used as base material, also for blending modification.It has a wide range of application such as medical equipment, children's toys,daily necessities etc.
With precision process control there are very lowcontent of butadiene in the part of the chain, and very in another part of thepolymer chain. The polymers with low content of butadiene provide strengthwhile the high butadiene content polymers provide impact resistance, thus YH07has very high impact performance at the same time has certain tensile strength.