On Mar 9th, review meeting of “the quality evaluation methods andcriteria on the EPEC industrial products (water treatment agent and ionexchange resin)” was held in the fourth meeting room of the building of NationalEngineering Center of rubber and plastic (ERC). The meeting was presided overby Yu Chunsheng, the director of Sinopec Ministry of Material and Equipment.More than 10 experts in water treatment technology and materials procurementfrom Sinopec Ministry of Material and Equipment, Yanshan company, Tianjincompany, Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Beijing Research Instituteof Chemical Industry and other units, as well as Li Hongbo, President of YanshanBranch of BRICI, Wu Chunhong, Vice President of Yanshan Branch, and thetechnical staff of Sinopec Evaluation Center of Water Treatment Chemicals attended the meeting.
At the meeting, senior engineer Fan Dayong introduced the “thequality evaluation methods and criteria on the EPEC industrial products (watertreatment agent and ion exchange resin)” drafted by the Evaluation Center.Experts discussed terms of the document one by one and proposed amendments.
Qi Haiying Wang Jilong Agency II