On January 30-31, 2018, working conference of Quality Supervision and Testing Centersof Sinopec hosted by Technological Supervision Department of the SinopecMinistry of Science and Technology was held in Beijing Shengli Hotel. Themeeting was organized by NationalQuality Supervision and Testing Center of petrochemical organic material andsynthetic resin that belongs to Yanshan Branch of BRICI. Relevant directorsfrom the Sinopec Ministry of Science and Technology, Sinopec Ministry of Materialand Equipment, Shengli Oilfield Company, Zhongyuan Oilfield Company, BRICI, etc.
During the meeting, 12 qualitysupervision and testing centers responsible for quality supervision and inspectionsampling in Sinopec reported their working summarization in 2017 and exchangedideas and information. The Sinopec headquarters also made plans of the tasks in2018 with each centers.
Analysis Center:Wang Chaoxian, Yang Juan