On December 1st, the Communist Youth League Committee of Yanshan Branchorganized a technologic communication seminar to launch "One Youth LeagueBranch, One Activity Brand " campaign. Xu Ziyi from the Youth Work Officeof the Party and Mass Work Department of Sinopec, was invited to attend the seminarand delivered a speech.
In the starting seminar, five young key technicians from Yanshan Branchand the synthetic rubber plant of Yanshan company gave presentations and communicatedwith each other on the technical requirements previously reached by both sides.
Xu Ziyi put forward three requirements for the "One YouthLeague Branch, One Activity Brand" compaign. First, strengthen thecultivation of young scientific and technological talents and stimulate theirinnovation potential. Second, promote communication and cooperation among youngtechnicians and continuously improve their ability to combine knowledge andpractice. Third, reinforce the construction of innovation culture to build agood climate of respecting innovation, and let all kinds of innovative talentsget their positions and display their advantages.
Guo Yanxia
Mass Work Department